New White Paper Explores ETSI TeraFlowSDN Alignment with TIP OOPT MUST Requirements

September 27, 2023

Sophia Antipolis, 27 September 2023: The Telecom Infra Project (TIP) Open Optical & Packet Transport (OOPT) group is making significant strides in advancing network management and interoperability. The collaborative efforts of network operators within TIP have concluded in the development of a unified set of interfaces for network device management, accompanied by the creation of essential data models to address their use cases. These endeavors have been documented in various documents, specifying the Mandatory Use Case Requirements for SDN for Transport (MUST).

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of a White Paper titled “ETSI TeraFlowSDN Alignment With TIP OOPT MUST Requirements”. The White Paper analyzes the support in TeraFlowSDN of the essential requirements for SDN control of transport networks, as defined by the Telecom Infra Project’s Open Optical & Packet Transport (OOPT) group. ETSI TeraFlowSDN, a new open source cloud-native hierarchical SDN controller, is also a versatile end-to-end SDN orchestrator atop a wide range of heterogeneous SDN data planes. In July 2023, TeraFlowSDN released version 2.1, incorporating substantial improvements that increase the alignment with the operators’ requirements concerning network controllability, management, and support.

The White Paper assessment serves a dual purpose - not only benefiting the TeraFlowSDN community by steering feature evolution to further align with the operators’ needs in next TeraFlowSDN releases, but also supporting the TIP OOPT MUST community by offering feedback and recommendations for potential requirements’ enhancement.

Ultimately, the White Paper aims to catalyze network transformation and facilitate heightened interoperability and compliance with operators’ requirements within open-source communities. By aligning with the needs of Network Operators, TeraFlowSDN aspires to become an open-source implementation that effectively fulfills and supports MUST requirements. This collaborative effort will fortify the integration of SDN technology into the transport network domain and will contribute to the advancement of network infrastructure, fostering enhanced efficiency and performance.

The ETSI TeraFlowSDN community will meet on October 16-18, in Castelldefels, Barcelona (ES) for their 3rd Plenary, Hackfest and Ecosystem Day. Participation is free and open to all upon registration.

For a comprehensive understanding of this White Paper and its implications for the network industry, please visit our website at