TFS People

SDG TeraFlowSDN is structured in several groups, including a Leadership Group, a Technical Steering Committee, Module Development Groups and Task Forces.

Leadership Group (LG)

The TFS Leadership Group is in charge of setting and sharing the project vision

Ricard Vilalta (CTTC)

Ricard Vilalta (CTTC)

TFS Chair

Ricard is a senior researcher in the Optical Networks and Systems Department at CTTC. He is an active contributor in several standardization bodies such as ONF (OTCC), ETSI (NFV, ZSM), and IETF (CCAMP, TEAS). He is also a member of the technical steering team of Open Transport Configuration & Control in ONF. He is leading open source contributions and features in ETSI Open Source MANO (OSM) with special focus on 5G technologies. He has been involved in several international, EU, national and industrial research projects. He lead 5GTANGO impact activities (WP leader), INSPIRE‐5Gplus experimental activities (WP leader), and participated in several 5GPPP WG. Letelly, he is the Project Coordinator of 5GPPP TeraFlow project

Håkon Lønsethagen (Telenor)

Håkon Lønsethagen (Telenor)

TFS Vice-Chair

Håkon is a Senior Research Scientist at Telenor Research, where he has been working with telecom network and service management, orchestration and control, including systems integration and distributed systems frameworks, architectures and middleware. Over the last years his activities have addressed inter-provider network services and business models, Internet evolution, lately including SDN, NFV and 5G ecosystems. This includes curiosity to discover and analyse dependencies between technical architecture, business architecture and multi-provider ecosystem platforms. He has participated in several EU projects, often in leading positions, and he is currently engaged with the European 5G PPP and SNS JU, and member of the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA) Governing Board and the NetworldEurope Steering Board

Juan Pedro Fernandez-Palacios (Telefónica)

Juan Pedro Fernandez-Palacios (Telefónica)

TFS Vice-Chair

Juan Pedro is Head of Unit Transport Networks at Telefónica CTIO In Sept. He is author of 6 patents filled in Europe and US and more than 70 publications in conferences and journals. He was coordinator of two European research projects on optical transport networks (MAINS and IDEALIST). Then he was in charge of the Integrated Transport Centre, a global organization in Telefonica in charge of defining the strategic network planning for IP, DWDM, MW and satellite networks in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. Lately he is leading Telefónica iFUSION project for common and vendor agnostic Transport SDN deployment in IP, optical and MW networks within Telefonica Group. Currently he is also co-chairing the MUST Group within the Telecom Infra Project.

Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

The TFS Technical Steering Committee is in charge of driving TeraFlowSDN technical ativities

Lluís Gifre (CTTC)

Lluís Gifre (CTTC)

TSC Chair

Lluís is a researcher in the Packet-Optical Networks and Services (PONS) research unit, part of the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC). He is the current chair of the TSC of ETSI TeraFlowSDN and an IEEE Senior Member. He participated in 9 EC/nationally-funded projects and 1 industrial collaboration. He is the lead inventor of 1 patent, and he has co-authored more than 60 publications in peer-reviewed and indexed journals and recognized international conferences. His research interests include cloud-based platforms in support of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV), network slicing, and orchestration of 5G/6G infrastructures."

Georgios P. Katsikas (Ubitech)

Georgios P. Katsikas (Ubitech)

TSC Member

Georgios is a Technical Manager at UBITECH’s Network Softwarization and IoT (NSIT) group, focusing on programmable cloud-native networked systems. His main interests span across Computer Networks and Operating Systems with a focus on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software-Defined Networking (SDN). In his doctoral thesis, Georgios introduced how to realize software-based NFV service chains at the emerging and utterly challenging link speeds at 100 Gbps using commodity hardware, while obliterating latency. His latest research is published at top systems conferences (NSDI, CoNEXT) and journals (ACM TOCS) and featured in the ACM Technews, PHYS.ORG, ECN, KTH, and APNIC. Georgios has been actively contributing to cutting edge networking frameworks, such as DPDK, ONOS, and the Click modular router, while also actively impacting relevant ETSI software development groups, such as ETSI TFS and ETSI OSL.

Óscar González-de-Dios (Telefónica)

Óscar González-de-Dios (Telefónica)

TSC Member

Óscar is currently the SDN Lead of the iFUSION Telefónica Initiative, in which they are introducing Open Standard-based interfaces in the network. As part of this role, he is leading the SDN architecture work and the interface design for IP/MPLS networks. He coordinate a design team that contributes to standard and industry bodies such as IETF, Openconfig and Telecom Infra Project. In addition, he also spends part of the time doing networking research work. I am involved in EU research and development projects. Latelly he participates in Teraflow and FISHY, and most recently he collaborated in Metro-Haul and IDEALIST, where he acted as work package leader.

Carlos Natalino da Silva (Chalmers University of Technology)

Carlos Natalino da Silva (Chalmers University of Technology)

TSC Member

Carlos Natalino is a Researcher with the Optical Networks Unit, Department of Electrical Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology. His main interests are on the area of machine-learning-assisted network automation and programmability, and control plane scalability. He has contributed to several national (Swedish) and international (European) projects. He is currently the technical leader of the integration and validation work package of TeraFlow H2020. Carlos is an educator with more than 7 years of experience in teaching programming and networking courses to undergraduate programs. He received a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pará, Brazil, in 2016. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed papers, 4 of which are proof-of-concept demonstrators.

Achim Autenrieth (ADTRAN)

Achim Autenrieth (ADTRAN)

TSC Member

Achim Autenrieth is currently Director Advanced Technology at ADTRAN, and leads research activities on network technologies including network planning, automation, SDN control and virtualization of 5G/6G and disaggregated optical transport networks. He leads and coordinates national and European funded research projects. Achim is a member of IEEE and VDE/ITG, he is author or co-author of more than 120 scientific publications and has been a member of the technical program committees of OFC (2018-2021), ECOC (2011-2017), ONDM, DRCN and RNDM. He received his Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in electrical engineering and information technology from TU Munich, Germany, in 1996 and 2003, respectively.

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