Supported SBIs and Network Elements
This section summarizes the SBI drivers supported by the TeraFlowSDN controller to interoperate with underlying network equipment and intermediate controllers.
- 5.1. Emulated
- 5.2. NetConf OpenConfig
- 5.3. gNMI OpenConfig
- 5.4. ONF Transport API
- 5.5. P4
- 5.6. Infinera IPM XR
- 5.7. IETF L2VPN
- 5.8. IETF ACTN
- 5.9. NetConf OpenConfig Optical
- 5.10. Optical TFS
- 5.11. MicroWave
5.1. Emulated
Documentation in progress
This driver is provided for testing and debugging purposes. It implements an accept-anything behaviour and maintains an in-memory database with configured rules. It implements support for synthetic telemetry streaming data that is activated/deactivated according to enabled/disabled device endpoints.
Device Type:
- Software Emulated within TeraFlowSDN's Device component.
Supported features:
- Configuration
- Monitoring (synthetic)
Tested Devices/Controllers:
Not applicable.
5.2. NetConf OpenConfig
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Packet Router
Supported features:
- Configuration of interfaces, L2/L3 VPNs, ACLs
- Monitoring of interfaces through polling
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- Infinera DRX-30 with ADVA NOS-OPX-B-21.5.1
- Edgecore AS7315-30X with ADVA NOS-OPX-B-21.5.1
5.3. gNMI OpenConfig
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Packet Router
Supported features:
- Configuration of interfaces and IPv4 network instances with static routes
- Monitoring of interfaces through telemetry streaming
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- Nokia SR Linux v23.3.1
5.4. ONF Transport API
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Intermediate Controller
Supported features:
- Configuration of L0 optical links
- Monitoring is not supported
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- CTTC Open Line System controller
5.5. P4
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Intermediate Controller
Supported features:
- Configuration of L2 packet connections
- Monitoring not supported
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- BMV2
- Intel Tofino P4 switch
5.6. Infinera IPM XR
Infinera XR Pluggables through Infinera IPM controller
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Intermediate Controller
Supported features:
- Configuration of L0 optical links
- Monitoring not supported
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- Infinera Pluggable Manager (IPM) controller
IETF RFC8466: A YANG Data Model for Layer 2 Virtual Private Network (L2VPN) Service Delivery
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Intermediate Controller
Supported features:
- Discovery of underlyting topology
- Configuration of L2 VPNs
- Monitoring not supported
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- TeraFlowSDN as child IP controller
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Intermediate Controller
Supported features:
- Configure OSU Tunnels
- Configure Ethernet Transport Services
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- Huawei NCE-T SDN controller
- IETF draft-ietf-ccamp-client-signal-yang-10: A YANG Data Model for Transport Network Client Signals
- IETF draft-ietf-teas-yang-te-34: A YANG Data Model for Traffic Engineering Tunnels, Label Switched Paths and Interfaces
5.9. NetConf OpenConfig Optical
NetConf - OpenConfig for Optical Devices (EXPERIMENTAL)
WARNING: This driver is experimental and contains proprietary extensions on top of OpenConfig. Use with care.
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Optical Transponders
- Multi-granular Optical Nodes
Supported features:
- Configure L0 optical connections
- Monitoring not supported
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- Proprietary NetConf/OpenConfig agents
5.10. Optical TFS
Documentation in progress
Device Type:
- Intermediate Controller
Supported features:
- L0 optical connections
- Monitoring is not supported
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- TeraFlowSDN as child optical controller
5.11. MicroWave
Documentation in progress
This driver manages microwave radio links through an intermediate controller using the data model in IETF RFC8345 "A YANG Data Model for Network Topologies".
Device Type:
- Radio links between routers through an Intermediate Controller
Supported features:
- L2 radio links
- Monitoring not supported
Tested Devices/Controllers:
- SIAE intermediate MW controller version SM-DC 8.3.2 managing SIAE AGS20 radio terminals